Thursday 22 December 2011

Hockey Free Hit and Olympic Hockey Tickets

Free hits are awarded when offences are committed outside the scoring circles the term 'free hit' is standard usage but the ball need not be hit. The ball may be hit or pushed in any direction by the team offended against. The ball must not be intentionally raised with any hit including a free hit. In previous rules versions hits in the area outside the circle in open play have been permitted but lifting directly from a free hit prohibited. Opponents must move 5 m from the ball when a free hit is awarded. A free hit must be taken from within playing distance of the place of the offence for which it was awarded and the ball must be stationary when the free hit is taken.
As mentioned above, a 15 m hit is awarded if an attacking player commits a foul forward of that line, or if the ball passes over the back line off an attacker. These free hits are taken in line with where the foul was committed taking a line parallel with the sideline between where the offence was committed or the ball went out of play. When an attacking free hit is awarded within 5 m of the circle all attackers other than the one taking the hit must also be 5 m away.
In February 2009 the FIH introduced, as a "Mandatory Experiment" for international competition, an updated version of free hit rule. The changes allow a player taking a free hit to pass the ball to themselves. Importantly, this is not a "play on" situation, but to the untrained eye it may appear to be. The player must play the ball any distance in two separate motions, before continuing as if it were a play-on situation. They may raise an aerial or overhead immediately as the second action, or any other stroke permitted by the rules of hockey.
Also, all players must be at least 5 m from any free hit awarded to the attack within the 23 m area. Additionally, no free hits to the attack are permitted within 5m of the circle, so if a free hit is awarded inside this area it must be dragged back outside this zone. The ball may not travel directly into the circle from a free hit to the attack within the 23 m area without first being touched by another player or being dribbled at least 5 m by a player making a "self-pass". These experimental rules apply to all free hit situations, including sideline and corner hits. National Associations may also choose to introduce these rules for their domestic competitions.
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