Monday 21 November 2011

Hockey Pitch and Hockey Tickets

Most hockey field dimensions were originally fixed using whole numbers of imperial measures. Nevertheless, metric measurements are now the official dimensions as laid down by the International Hockey Federation (FIH) in the "Rules of Hockey". It is these dimensions that are given in this article, with the imperial units in parentheses.
 The pitch is a 91.40 m × 55 m rectangular field. At each end is a goal 2.14 m high and 3.66 m wide measured from the inner sides of the posts and crossbar, and an approximately semi circular area 14.63 m from the goal known as the shooting circle or D or arc, bounded by a solid line, with a dotted line 5 m in this marking was not established until after metric conversion from that, as well as lines across the field 22.90 m from each end line generally referred to as the 23 m lines and in the center of the field. A spot 0.15m in diameter, called the penalty spot or stroke mark, is placed with its centre 6.40 m from the centre of each goal.
Traditional grass pitches are far less common in modern hockey with mostly hockey being played on synthetic surfaces. Since the 1970s, sand-based pitches were favored as they dramatically speed up the pace of the game. However, in recent years there has been a massive increase in the number of "water-based" artificial turfs. Water-based synthetic turfs enable the ball to be transferred more quickly than on the original sand-based surfaces and it is this characteristic that has made them the surface of choice for international and national league competitions. Water-based surfaces are also less abrasive than the sand-based variety and hence reduce the level of injury to players when they come into contact with the surface. The FIH are now proposing that new surfaces being laid should be of a hybrid variety which require less watering. This is due to the negative ecological effects of the high water requirements of water-based synthetic fields. In the U.S. field hockey is played mostly in the Northeast region of the country.
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